Code of Conduct
Effective 11/13/2024
Code of Conduct
Consent and Sexual Misconduct
Consent is mandatory.
We encourage hashers to report any instances of sexual misconduct or problematic behavior, no matter how minor, to any member of mismanagement.. Being informed about sexual misconduct allows hash leadership to identify and address it. A prior documented pattern of problematic behavior is also informative when a more serious allegation is made against someone
We take every allegation of sexual misconduct seriously and will investigate all incidents in an attempt to gain a full perspective of what occurred. In clearcut cases, the investigation may be very short, allowing long-term actions to be implemented quickly. However, time is sometimes required to investigate and make an informed decision. We cannot promise to immediately remove an alleged perpetrator from the hash in all cases. As a volunteer-led running club, we do not have the resources of a police department or the authority of the legal system. Additionally, factors such as time since incident, nexus to the hash, and the inability to verify claims can limit mismanagement's ability to clearly determine what has taken place. Therefore, our ability to substantiate allegations and hold perpetrators accountable is limited.
Our policy aims to balance the protection of our community with the due process our community members deserve. We recognize that, in cases in which there is insufficient evidence to justifiably ban members of our community, the consequences administered may not be commensurate with the seriousness of alleged offenses. More serious consequences are administered when an alleged perpetrator has substantiated or multiple allegations against them. We encourage reporting parties to seek redress through the legal system for criminal sexual acts.
Here are some general guidelines for consent in the hash:
Be aware of power dynamics (e.g. named hasher/NFN; established/newer in the Hash; older/younger; male/female; higher/lower socioeconomic status; member of Mismanagement/kennel member). When interacting across a power dynamic, be more purposeful about consent and aware of factors that may affect consent.
Be cautious about propositioning newer hashers for dates or sexual encounters. Newer hashers are often looking to make friends and join a community; invite them to group social events rather than private ones.
Recognize that consent may be given to one individual but not another. Just because it's okay for one person to do something doesn't mean you get to do it.
Seek explicit consent before making physical contact with anyone with whom you don't have a physical relationship with outside the hash.
Show respect at body part checks. Respect people's decision to show body parts or not, cheer enthusiastically if body parts are shown, and understand that it is never ok for the hash to demand to see parts of your body that you do not want to show.
Consider the level of intoxication of anyone from whom you are seeking consent. If someone who is drunk says “yes” to something to which they previously said “no,” that may not be consent.
Recognize that consent can be revoked at any time for any reason. “No” always means “no.”
Ask questions to clarify whether consent is enthusiastic and ongoing. Basic questions such as “Can I kiss you?” or “Is this ok?” are not only expected and appropriate, but are usually kind of hot.
New hashers are entering an environment with unfamiliar norms that include more alcohol and more overt sexual references than most social groups. This creates a power imbalance in which established hashers understand the sexual boundaries and norms, while newer hashers are still trying to figure these out. Therefore, while an explicit “yes” is important and required, it is not always sufficient for maintaining the kind of safe environment we wish for the hash to be.
Personal Responsibility
Each hasher is responsible for reviewing this code of conduct and asking questions if they are unsure about anything contained within.
Each hasher is responsible for their own conduct and knowing their own limits.
Each hasher is responsible for monitoring their personal alcohol consumption.
You never have to do anything you don’t want to do: running, drinking, singing, and all other aspects of hashing are optional.
Attending a hash means you are consenting to a suspension of standard public norms, but this does not suspend standards of basic human decency.
Community Responsibility
Hashing is designed to promote community and future hashing.
Hashers must respect the age, religion, ethnic background, gender, ability, health status, and sexual orientation of all other members. Negative or derogatory language or actions that disparage the differences or backgrounds of individuals or communities will not be tolerated.
No bullying or harassment. Defined as:
Any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that:
Physically harms a hasher or damages their property; or
Has the effect of substantially disrupting a hasher’s ability to participate in events; or
Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening environment; or
Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the kennel.
Nonviolence: If you present a weapon or engage in violence you will be asked to leave immediately until the threat is resolved. Mismanagement will review all incidents and determine a course of action.
Hashers must be of legal age to drink alcohol.
Respect the neighborhoods and the people-shiggy of Kitsap County
Respect the various establishments we visit and their staff. Do not consume outside alcohol when in bars.
No one under 21 is allowed to attend a HSWTFH3 event unless the details for the event specifically state otherwise.
Consent applies to photography and posts on social media.
Do not post or share hash-related content to people’s personal social media pages without their consent.
Doxxing or “outing” of hash participation in public settings will not be tolerated.
II. Response to Allegations of Misconduct
Limitations (again)
We take every allegation of misconduct seriously and will investigate all incidents in an attempt to gain a full perspective of what occurred. In clearcut cases, the investigation may be very short, allowing long-term actions to be implemented quickly. However, time is sometimes required to investigate and make an informed decision. We cannot promise to immediately remove an alleged perpetrator from the hash in all cases. As a volunteer-led running club, we do not have the resources of a police department or the authority of the legal system. Additionally, factors such as time since incident, nexus to the hash, and the inability to verify claims can limit mismanagements ability to clearly determine what has taken place. Therefore, our ability to substantiate allegations and hold perpetrators accountable is limited.
Our policy aims to balance the protection of our community with the due process our community members deserve. We recognize that, in cases in which there is insufficient evidence to justifiably ban members of our community, the consequences administered may not be commensurate with the seriousness of alleged offenses. More serious consequences are administered when an alleged perpetrator has substantiated or multiple allegations against them.
Violations – Three Strikes Policy
Generally, Misman will adhere to a three strike policy for violations of the above code of conduct. The aim of using lower level interventions is to help hashers become better members of the kennel when possible.
Mismanagement reserves the right to skip lower-level interventions if the allegation is substantiated and circumstances warrant that decision.
Mismanagement reserves the right to issue multiple low-level interventions to the same hasher, if circumstances warrant that decision.
Three Strike Interventions
Written Warning – A person who violates these policies will be contacted by a member of mismanagement in writing. All Misman members will be notified. Mismanagement will do their due diligence and conduct additional research as needed.
Suspension – A person who violates these policies a second time will be removed and/or excluded from social media channels AND suspended from in-person events for a period of time no longer than 1 year. . The kennel will be notified.
Expulsion – A person who violates these policies a third time will be completely removed from all hash in-person and online activities indefinitely. The kennel and regional kennels will be notified. Extreme cases will also be made known on national/international kennel sites.
Re-Entry Procedure:
A hasher who is coming back from a suspension will have a conversation with Misman first.
Prior to re-entry, the offending party will need to submit a statement acknowledging what they did, why their actions were hurtful to the group, what they’ve learned, and how they’re working on continued improvement.
Misman will notify the kennel the date when someone will be returning.
The offending party returns with one more strike left.
D) Reporting
For reports that involve a clear and immediate danger, mismanagement has the full authority to address the issue immediately by removing people from an area or event and contacting law enforcement and/or emergency medical services.
Complaints may be lodged with ANY member of Mismanagement.
Complaints may also be emailed to (please be aware that mismanagement monitors this email)
The Mismanagement member who receives the disclosure will report to the rest of MM within 7 days.
Intentional failure to report within this time frame can result in removal from mismanagement.
E) Post-Reporting
When a report of misconduct is received, the GM will appoint at minimum 2 members from mismanagement to contact all involved parties, gather any available evidence, and present the information to MM.
If possible, these appointed MM members will be mixed gender and as neutral as possible in regards to the involved parties. (ie: not in a romantic, financial, or close personal relationship with either party)
If a complaint is lodged against a member of Mismanagement:
That person will be subject to the same guidelines as anyone else, AND
That person will be excluded from Mismanagement discussions regarding the complaint, other than speaking on their own behalf.
If complaints are substantiated, that member of mismanagement may be removed from their position.
If a complaint is lodged by a member of Mismanagement:
That person will be excluded from Mismanagement discussions regarding the complaint, other than speaking on their own behalf.
Once all information is presented, mismanagement will hold a vote if it constitutes a sanctionable issue.
If it is a sanctionable issue, a sanction will be issued.
In the event that Mismanagement feels the reported issue does not rise to the level of sanction, they are still within their rights to attempt to remedy the situation through mediation or other restorative measures.
All allegations and their outcomes will be recorded.
This code of conduct is heavily plagiarized from established kennels particularly Boston H3 and NYC H3.