The Hash House Harriers (HHH or H3) is an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a Hash or Run, or a Hash Run. A common denominal verb for this activity is Hashing, with participants calling themselves Hashers. The Hash is humorously known as 'A Drinking Club With A Running Problem', with the preferred beverage of consumption being beer.

GoToTheHash.net - an information resource for hasher.

The description above is from an amazingly long Wikipedia entry that people actually took the time to write out (bolding important words was my contribution). You can find it here:

The Hash House Harriers

But why should we write a bunch of stuff out here, when you can also check out the video below that another hasher posted? (work smarter, not harder always applies in hashing): 

Hashing Tutorial*- seanbaello

*This link leads to a youtube video containing offensive language and/or depictions of great times. Clicker beware, but also, if you're offended by any video or content on this site, you may not want to come hash with us. We're worse in person. 

To Summarize, the objectives of the Hash House Harriers as recorded on the club registration card dated 1950 are:

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Can't read good? Rather watch video? Well, here you go:

Also, if you want, go ahead and Google us - we're legit.